I’m here in Northampton, delivering my daughter to college. We’re being chased by hurricane Irene.

We arrived at our buddy Jane Yolen’s house yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, Jane isn’t here. Her daughter Heidi has been lovely, and we have the run of Jane’s enormous farm house.
So far, Irene is manifesting only as a soaking rain and a bit of wind. The storm is supposed to roar right over the top of us at some point and we expect to lose power. We are hoping a tree won’t fall on the house. Ulp!
I plan to spend the day working, for the most part… though I’m looking forward to finishing my re-read of Bujold’s A Civil Campaign as well.
I do love New England. For a desert rat like me, the greenery and rain seem luxurious. We get occasionally big storms in New Mexico during our summer monsoons, but in terms of moving water, they are pitiful things compared to these long, soaking rains and house shaking storms. I love the luscious stretches of grass here; these trees that tower overhead. I love how the soil springs back up under my foot when I step on it.
I’ve lived in the deserts of New Mexico much of my life, and I have delighted in its many beauties. But I feel ready for a change sometime soon. I want to move somewhere that it is easier to grow a garden, to be surrounded by ecological abundance.
Most of all, I’m worried for my friends in NYC and along the Atlantic coast. Stay safe, you all.